Mastering Meal Prep for One

Meal Prep for One

Meal prepping for one can seem daunting, but with a bit of planning and the right strategies, it can save you time, money, and help you eat healthier. Whether you’re a busy professional in Dublin or a student in London, these tips will guide you on your journey to becoming a meal prep pro.

Meal Prep for One 101

Getting started with meal prep is like learning to ride a bike—it might seem intimidating at first, but with a little practice, it’ll become second nature. Meal prepping simply means preparing some or all of your meals in advance, so you have healthy, ready-to-eat options throughout the week. It’s like giving your future self a gift of delicious, nutritious food.

Basic Equipment

To begin your meal prep journey, you’ll need some basic equipment:

  • Containers: Trusty containers to store your prepped meals
  • Labels: Keep track of what’s what
  • Knife: A sharp knife for all that chopping
  • Cooking Tools: Essential tools like pots, pans, and a baking sheet
Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy

Stock Up on Staples

Stock up on versatile ingredients that you can mix and match all week long. In Ireland and the UK, staples like oats, potatoes, fresh veggies, chicken, fish, and grains are affordable and easily available. With these building blocks in place, you’ll be ready to start your meal prep adventure and enjoy the tasty rewards of your efforts.

Plan Healthy Weekly Meals

Planning your meals for the week is like being the captain of your own food ship—you get to chart the course for delicious, healthy eating. Start by jotting down a rough plan of what you’d like to eat for each meal, keeping in mind any busy days or special events. Then, make a grocery list based on your plan, grouping items by section of the store to make shopping a breeze. Be sure to include a variety of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats to keep your meals balanced and your body fueled. With a little bit of planning, you’ll be setting sail for a week of tasty, nutritious meals that will keep you feeling shipshape.

Budget-Friendly Meal Prep for One Ideas

Meal prepping on a budget is like playing a game of Tetris with your fridge—you want to make the most of the space you have and use ingredients that fit together perfectly. The key is to choose recipes that use affordable, versatile ingredients like rice, pasta, oats, and canned beans. You can also save money by buying generic brands, shopping for in-season produce, and purchasing items in bulk. With a little creativity, you can whip up delicious meals like lentil curry, chicken fried rice, or overnight oats that cost less than £3 per serving. It’s like putting together a puzzle where the end result is a week’s worth of tasty, budget-friendly meals.

Photo by olia danilevich

Easy Meal Prep for One Recipes

Here are some delicious and nutritious meal prep recipe ideas to keep your taste buds happy and your body fueled throughout the week:


  • Overnight Oats with Irish Berries: Combine oats, milk, and yogurt in a jar, then top with fresh berries like strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries. Refrigerate overnight for a quick and easy breakfast.
  • Traditional Porridge with a Modern Twist: Cook up a batch of creamy Irish oatmeal and top with fun flavors like caramelized bananas, peanut butter and jelly, or maple syrup and pecans.


  • Healthy Chicken Salad with Whole Grain Bread: Mix diced chicken breast with Greek yogurt, chopped celery, and herbs, then serve on hearty whole grain bread for a satisfying sandwich.
  • Classic Ploughman’s Lunch Bento Box: Pack a compartmentalized container with sliced ham or turkey, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, fresh vegetables, and a tangy relish or chutney.


  • Shepherd’s Pie for One: Prepare a mini version of this comforting classic by layering seasoned ground lamb or beef with mashed potatoes and veggies in a single-serve ramekin.
  • Fish and Chips with a Healthy Twist: Bake breaded fish fillets and potato wedges instead of frying for a lighter take on this British favorite. Serve with malt vinegar and mushy peas.


  • Homemade Granola Bars: Whip up a batch of chewy granola bars packed with oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit for an energizing snack that’s perfect for on-the-go.
  • Fresh Vegetable Sticks with Hummus: Cut up carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, and celery, then portion them out with individual servings of protein-rich hummus for a crunchy, satisfying snack.

By mixing and matching these meal prep ideas, you can create a week’s worth of delicious, nourishing meals that will keep you feeling your best. With a little creativity and some smart planning, eating well has never been easier!

See also:

Our recipes here

Stay Motivated to Prep

Staying motivated with meal prep is like keeping a long-distance friendship alive—it takes effort and creativity, but the rewards are so worth it. Here are some tips to keep your meal prep game strong:

  • Mix it Up: Rotate recipes and try new ingredients to avoid falling into a food rut. Experimenting with different flavors and cuisines can make meal prep feel like an exciting culinary adventure rather than a chore.
  • Embrace the Seasons: Incorporating seasonal produce from Ireland and the UK not only adds variety to your meals but also ensures you’re getting the freshest, most flavorful ingredients. Plus, seasonal fruits and veggies are often more affordable, so it’s a win-win.
  • Find Your Tribe: Joining local meal prep groups or online communities can provide a wealth of support, inspiration, and ideas. Connecting with like-minded folks who share your passion for healthy eating can help you stay accountable and motivated, even on days when you’d rather just order takeout.

By keeping your meal prep interesting, seasonal, and social, you’ll be well on your way to making it a sustainable habit that supports your health and wellness goals. Remember, meal prepping is a journey, not a destination—so enjoy the ride and celebrate your progress along the way!

Maximizing Storage Space

Maximizing storage space in your kitchen is like playing a game of Tetris—it’s all about finding the perfect fit for each item.

  • Think Vertically: Use every inch of space, from the top of your fridge to the back of your cabinets.
  • Stackable Containers: Neatly pile up your prepped meals and ingredients without wasting an inch.
  • Clever Storage Solutions: Invest in smart storage solutions like over-the-door organizers, pull-out cabinet shelves, and hanging pot racks.

With creativity and smart organization, fit a week’s worth of delicious prepped meals into your fridge and pantry like a pro.


Meal prepping is like having a superpower that helps you eat healthier, save time and money, and reduce stress. When you prepare your meals in advance, you’re in control of your portions and the ingredients you use, making it easier to stick to your nutrition goals. It’s like having a personal chef who always has a delicious, wholesome meal ready when you need it.

Meal prepping can also save you hours each week by streamlining your cooking and grocery shopping. Instead of scrambling to figure out what to eat every day, you can spend a little time upfront planning and prepping, then relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor all week long. Plus, buying ingredients in bulk and reducing food waste can help you save some serious cash.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of meal prepping is the peace of mind it brings. When you have a fridge full of nourishing meals ready to go, you’ll feel less stressed and more in control of your busy life. No more last-minute drive-thru runs or sad desk lunches—just satisfying, energizing food that supports your health and happiness.

So why not give meal prepping a try? Start small by prepping a few meals or snacks each week, then gradually build up your skills and confidence. Use the tips and recipes in this guide as a starting point, but don’t be afraid to get creative and make it your own. With a little practice and patience, you’ll be a meal prep pro in no time—and your body (and wallet) will thank you.

Meal Prep FAQs

Here are some common questions and answers about meal prepping for one:

Q: How long do meal prepped foods last in the fridge?
A: Most meal prepped foods will stay fresh in the fridge for 3-5 days. To maximize shelf life, store foods in airtight containers and let hot foods cool completely before refrigerating. If you’re unsure if something is still good, trust your nose – if it smells off, it’s best to toss it.

Q: Can I freeze my meal prepped meals?
A: Absolutely! Freezing your prepped meals is like pressing the pause button on freshness. Most foods freeze well, especially soups, stews, casseroles, and cooked grains or pasta. Just be sure to store them in freezer-safe containers or bags, and label them with the date so you know how long they’ve been chillin’. Frozen meals will keep for up to 3 months, so you can enjoy a taste of your meal prep efforts well into the future.

Q: How can I keep my prepped meals from getting boring?
A: The key to keeping your taste buds excited about meal prep is to mix things up. Try new recipes, experiment with different flavor combinations, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your leftovers. You can also add variety by prepping a few different meals each week, or by batch cooking staples like grains and proteins that can be used in multiple dishes. And don’t forget the power of sauces, dressings, and toppings to transform a basic meal into something special.

Q: I have a small kitchen with limited storage space. How can I make meal prepping work for me?
A: Meal prepping in a small space is all about getting creative with your storage solutions. Stackable containers, mason jars, and reusable silicone bags can help you make the most of your fridge and freezer space. You can also try prepping smaller batches more frequently, or focusing on recipes that don’t require a lot of equipment or ingredients. And remember, even a little bit of meal prep can make a big difference in simplifying your week and nourishing your body.

By keeping these tips in mind and staying flexible, you can make meal prepping work for your unique needs and lifestyle. With a little practice and experimentation, you’ll find a rhythm that helps you eat well, save time, and feel your best – one delicious meal at a time.

Helpful Links and Resources

Here are some additional resources with hyperlinks to help you on your meal prep journey:

  • BBC Good Food’s Meal Prep Recipes – This collection features a variety of make-ahead meals perfect for busy weeknights, from colorful salads to hearty stews.
  • The Kitchn’s Beginner’s Guide to Meal Prep – If you’re new to meal prepping, this comprehensive guide covers everything from essential equipment to step-by-step instructions for prepping a week’s worth of meals.
  • Tesco Real Food’s Healthy Meal Prep Ideas – Tesco, one of the UK’s largest supermarket chains, offers a range of nutritious meal prep recipes and tips to help you eat well all week long.
  • Donal Skehan’s Meal Prep Recipes – Irish food writer and TV presenter Donal Skehan shares his favorite make-ahead recipes, from energy-boosting breakfasts to satisfying dinners.
  • /r/MealPrepSunday on Reddit – This popular subreddit is a great place to find inspiration, ask questions, and connect with other meal preppers from around the world. Users share their weekly meal prep photos, recipes, and tips for staying organized and motivated.

By exploring these resources and experimenting with different recipes and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a meal prep master. Remember, the key is to find what works best for you and your lifestyle – so don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with it!